
Showing posts from June, 2022

Wisdom Wednesday - Week 23

This week's Sacred Heart quote comes to us from the Great St. John Paul II.   "In the Sacred Heart every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that Divine Heart beats God's infinite love for everyone, for each one of us individually."   - St. John Paul II

Blog Update

I just wanted to let all of you, our dear faithful readers, know that our postings here will be sporadic for the next couple weeks or so. I am having major foot surgery for an old ankle injury from my middle & high school years. Please bear with us & know that we have not forgotten you!  Peace & Prayers for you all! Love, Maria

Wisdom Wednesday - Week 22

Welcome to the month of June! In the Catholic Church, we celebrate The Sacred Heart of Jesus during this month. Therefore, we thought we'd share quotes from saints honoring His Most Sacred Heart. Today, we will start with a quote from St. Margaret Mary Alocoque, to whom Christ revealed Himself & requested that she encourage the devotion to His Sacred Heart.  "Our Lord Jesus Christ desires that we should, for sanctifying ourselves, glorify His all-loving Heart; for it was His Heart that suffered the most in His Sacred Humanity." - St. Margaret Mary Alocoque