3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - Gospel Reflection

Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Hallmark love story plots are notorious for having a character going back to their hometown, running into an old flame, falling in love again, & living happily ever after. Often there's a competitive nemesis vying for the old flame's affections & who'll do anything in their power to prevent the other two from reconnecting.

Sometimes the reason for the protagonist's return is that the big name company they work for wants to expand & sends them to win over the people of their hometown. They stand in front of the town leaders & say, 

"Big Name Business is upon me & has chosen me to present Big Name Business to you. They sent me to proclaim jobs for the jobless & prosperity to this town, & to proclaim growth overall."

The protagonist then rolls up their sleeves, takes the first shovel of dirt, & decries, "Today this announcement is fulfilled in your hearing."

The citizens of Smalltown, USA are most likely divided in opinions. Some are all for the jobs & growth promised by the big company. They can't wait to embrace it all. Others are skeptical & want nothing to do with change to their beloved town. 

Now, the love story of Jesus is a far cry better than any Hallmark romance! His story is one of great sacrifice & love for each one of us. He not only gets the girl, but He also gets the guy -- He claims all of us for His Father's Kingdom. He brought (& still brings):

  • "glad tidings to the poor" (Good News that promises our future in Heaven)
  • "liberty to captives" (freedom from sin)
  • "sight to the blind" (healing)
  • "let the oppressed go free" (freedom from social & political injustices)
Jesus stood in His hometown synagogue & read the passage from Isaiah that explained His mission on earth. He was the fulfillment of those proclamations bullet-pointed above. As those in attendance looked intently at Him for further details, they probably expected Him to expound upon the coming Messiah (not realizing that's exactly who He was). Instead, He said, "Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing."

As we'll see in next Sunday's Gospel, some were amazed and in awe. They recognized the Messiah sitting right there with them. Others questioned His statement & motives, wondering why & how this man who had grown up in Nazareth could be their long-awaited, promised Savior.

To Be Continued!


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