Sunday Musings


    Dear W.H.R.,

    (Whoever Happens to be Reading)

    Praised be Jesus Christ!

    Well, it’s fall now. I don’t think I was ready for the chilly weather. It caught me by surprise this year and I forgot how hard it is to get out of bed during the cold seasons. But I must say, I have long since been ready for the fall baking, warm soups, and of course, the cliche pumpkin spice. 

    The changing of seasons is so marvelous! One proceeds the other and the cycle never ceases. Each possesses its own unique beauty. In a way, I see the changes of life reflected in the changing of seasons. From long term to even on a day by day basis. There’s always change; nothing remains the same. Even if we do things regularly each day, whether by routine or circumstance, there’s always some aspect that differentiates it from the day before. 

    That thought satisfies my habitual desire for something more, but it also leaves me dissatisfied by offering me something less than more. There’s an internal craving for something more, but I know deep down that “more” cannot be subject to change. No, that desire can only be filled with something that remains, something that is consistent. Otherwise, how can I be sure it will always satisfy? There’s no certainty to it.

    But where does this desire for more come from? I think it results from the rejection of what we already have. I also think that our responsibility for this rejection varies. Sometimes we do it knowingly and willingly, whereas other times we do it unwillingly and perhaps even unknowingly. 

    It all stems from that incredible paradox: that God, Who remains present within us through every second of our lives (more present to us then we are to ourselves!), offers us Himself, the fullness of all things. We wholly possess God, if you will, and having that possession, we thirst for more. Because He is infinitely greater than we are, the more we enter into union with Him, the more we learn of Him. We will always find something more in God, something new to us, yet timeless and eternal in Him. He satisfies that longing for something constant and that craving for something new. 

    The world is always changing around us. It makes us restless, distracted, impatient, careless. But all we have to do is turn back to our Lord, Who is ever present within our soul. The Holy Spirit is always breathing within us and calling us back to the Father. Christ, sharing in our humanity opens the door for us. We answer that call, walk through that door, and return again to our God, Who is not distant, not above, but within. The Trinity is always loving and conversing within us. We have only to enter that conversation and share in that love.


    These are not so much my thoughts as they are the words and teachings of others, put together in my words in a way that I can understand. Regardless, it always brings me some sense of comfort to think about, and I hope it does the same for you!



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