Third Sunday of Advent Year C
"Rejoice in the Lord ways; again I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near." (Phillipians 4:4-5)
We take a break in this penetential season on this 3rd Sunday of Advent to rejoice. The Latin word, "Gaudete" means rejoice. Our preparations during Advent are aimed at our Lord Jesus' coming - both His birth & 2nd coming.
Think of all the things that bring you joy. I'm talking about true joy, not just those fleeting moments that occur, like a job promotion or finding your favorite items on sale. I have personally & purposefully found joy in the midst of sorrow or life's trials. I've been able to laugh & share memories of loved ones who've passed helps ease the pain of loss. Last year, when my son was going through radiation treatments for a brain tumor, he lost most of his hair. We found joy in putting googly eyes on the back of his head, making a face with the lingering patches of hair.
None of these things bring as much joy, however, than the anticipation of Jesus' birth & 2nd coming. While we await these moments, let us remember His presence at each Mass celebration. Approach the altar with joy in your heart & on your face. Welcome Him to fill you with His Love, Mercy, Peace, Grace, & Wisdom!
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