Gospel Reflection - Second Sunday of Lent


Matthew 17:1-9

"This is my beloved Son... listen to Him."

God's words are not meant just for Peter, James, & John. They are a directive to each one of us as well. While we haven't experienced that glimpse of Jesus revealed in all His Glory, most of us have had our own moments of inspiration & faith deepening. The hard part is how we can keep those moments fresh in the mundane routines & activities of our daily lives. 

The simplest way to carry those experiences at all times is to keep Jesus at the forefront of our minds, listening to Him & trying our best to imitate Him. Jesus wants us to remain close to Him in all moments of our lives. Through prayer, we can draw closer to Him. The closer we are to Him, the more transfigured moments we'll have.

As a musician, I often have faith-filled music running through my head. This is one way I manage to pray throughout my day. "To sing is to pray twice," is a quote attributed to St. Augustine. 

One song that's been stuck in my head this afternoon is one we sang at church this morning..."Transfigure Us, O Lord," by Bob Hurd. What a beautiful prayer set to music. We call on God to transfigure us, freeing us from the ties that bind us so that we may follow Jesus. 

If you were there for the Transfiguration -  a brief glimpse of Jesus in His full Glory - how would you be inspired to live the rest of your life? 


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