Saintly Saturday - Blessed Osanna of Cattaro

Catherine Cosie was born November 25, 1493 to Greek Orthodox parents in Komani, Montenegro. During her early years, she was a shepherdess, common in that area. She was also a visionary. Visions of the Child Jesus & Jesus on the cross appeared to her while she was shepherding. 

Catherine later took a job with a Catholic family in Kotor (Cattaro). Inspired by her visions & all she learned, she converted to Catholicism & after a few years became an anchoress (a female who withdraws from society for prayer & contemplation). In her case, her cell was next to the Church of St. Paolo where she could still participate in the Mass without leaving her cell. She became a Third Order Dominican & took the name Osanna, still living as an anchoress. People from all over & from all walks of life sought her advice & intercessions for peace. 

More visions appeared to her, various mysteries of Christ's life. She was also plagued with demonic manifestations which she was able to ward off by the Sign of the Cross & calling on Jesus' name.

She faced her final illness with heroic patience & she died with Jesus name taken in her last breath on April 27, 1565. Her body was later found incorrupt. She was beautified in 1934 by Pope Pius XI. Blessed Osanna is the patron of Kotor, Montenegro.

Blessed Osanna of Cattaro, Pray for Us!


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