Saintly Saturday - St. Willibald of Eichstatt

On June 7, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Willibald of Eichstatt. He was born October 21, 700 in Wessex, England. His siblings, Winebald & Walburga became saints, as well as his father, St. Richard the King. He was also related on his mother's side of the family to St. Boniface. As an infant, he almosts died. His parents prayed and promised to dedicate him to God if he survived. At the age of five, he began his studies at the Abbey of Waltham, Hampshire, England. 

In 722, he set out on a pilgrimage to Rome with his father & brother, Winebald. Along the way, his father died & he suffered from malaria.

He reached Jerusalem in 725 & is known as the first Englishman in the Holy Land. Thought to be a Christian spy, he was captured by the Saracens. After his release, he continued his journey visiting many holy places. Upon his return to Italy, he served as a dean & porter in Monte Casino.

His missionary work continued in Germany, where he was sent by Pope St. Gregory III to assist St. Boniface. It was there that he was ordained a bishop of Eichstatt. 

In Heidenheim, he & his brother, Winebald, founded a double monastery. Winebald became the abbot & their sister, Walburga, was named abbess. As bishop, Willibald served about 40 years.

He died June 7, 781 of natural causes & was canonized in 938 by Pope Leo VII. Willibald is the patron saint of the diocese of Eichstatt, Germany.

St. Willibald, Pray for Us!


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