Gospel Reflection - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 11:25-30
“...for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones.”
A child’s mind is like a sponge, as we’ve heard many times. It’s easier to learn a foreign language or memorize a poem as a child than as an adult. Why is that? I don’t know of any specific studies done on the subject (although I’m sure there are some out there), but personally I believe it’s because a child’s mind is not bogged down with the worries, stresses, & responsibilities we adults have weighing on our minds.
“But the world is full of voices, and as time passes, we begin to ignore the voice within. The more we question it, doubt it, and ignore it, the fainter it grows – until one day it becomes so faint that we have to strain to hear it at all. We spend the rest of our lives trying to reclaim that gentle voice.” (Matthew Kelley, from his book The Rocking Chair Prophet)
Jesus knows this and freely reveals Himself & glimpses of Heaven to the little ones. I can recall a time when my oldest son was just a baby. We had a bassinet set up in the living room where he could take short naps. One afternoon, I heard him cooing & I walked over to check on him. His eyes were focused on a spot on the ceiling & he had the biggest grin on his face. I truly believe he was conversing with his guardian angel & catching his own little glimpse of Heaven.
We parents must immerse our children in the Faith from the very beginning. Don’t wait until they’re older to let them choose for themselves. Most likely, they will end up choosing the wrong path that leads away from the Faith. Protect them, as well, from anything that may cause them to veer away. Once something is seen or heard, it’s difficult to get out of our minds. So, make sure they’re not watching shows, listening to music, etc. that are beyond their scope of understanding & level of maturity.
Above all, teach children to lean on Christ in all situations…good & bad. In learning this from a young age, they begin to take His yoke upon their shoulders, thereby finding rest from all those worries & stresses that are sure to come as they get older. He will share the burdens that life will throw at them.
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
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