Gospel Reflection - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 23:1-12
"Practice what you preach!"
"Do as I say, not as I do!"
"Don't be a hypocrite!"
The Pharisees Jesus points out in today's Gospel are definitely not following any of the above directives. They are more concerned with exaltation of self & placing themselves in positions of authority. By widening their phylacteries (leather boxes in which Hebrew scripture is kept & carried by Jewish men) & lengthening their tassels, they want their good deeds to be seen & acknowledged, making themselves appear to be more righteous than others. (One of the commentors to the daily reflections at The Word Among Us calls them the "Phar-I-Sees". Kind of fitting!)
A great manager is one who is willing to do the most menial jobs, is not afraid of hard work, & won't ask his/her employees to do something they themselves wouldn't do. They will work hard & set the example for their employees. Unfortunately, many managers today are like the Pharisees. They have high expectations for their employees & refuse to lift a finger to help in any way. Any work they actually do is only done in an effort to make themselves look good.
Back in July for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we heard Jesus' call to "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me...for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:29a, 30) A yoke by itself is heavy, but it is meant to be carried by two. Whereas the Pharisees require others to do the work, Jesus is there to help us. By accepting His yoke, we are accepting His help in carrying our burdens & performing our duties. He is an example of a great manager!
Think of the managers you've had in the past. Thank God for those who've led by example & have been servant leaders to you. Pray for those who tended to "widen their phylacteries lengthen their tassels".
Do you live with humility in your life or do you struggle with it?
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