Gospel Reflection - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time



Jesus asks us the same question he asked Bartimaeus in today’s Gospel, “(Insert your name here), what do you want me to do for you?”

We reply, “Master, I want to see.”

Yes, Lord, I desire to see where I can help those in need.  Open my eyes to see the dignity of each individual, regardless of their race, religion, political party, etc.  Show me the beauty you’ve created each day, whether the sky is full of sunshine or covered by a canopy of clouds.  Give me the ability to see the world with the eyes of a child, from the tiny caterpillar on the sidewalk to the majestic trees in the forest.  Help me to see the path you have laid out for me and to trust in You to guide me.  

Lord, guide me to see the times in my life where I’ve offended you or my loved ones.  Give me the eyes of forgiveness to look past the bitterness and anger I feel toward those who have hurt me.  Grant me the strength and fortitude to see through this trial I’m enduring.  Help me to see and understand that my loved ones who have left the Faith are still within your grasp and that you have a plan for them.  

Lord, I believe You can do all these for me.  Help my unbelief and strengthen my resolve to keep my eyes open to all You have done and will do for me.

Jesus replies, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” 

Take courage, my friends!  Jesus IS calling you!  He knows all that you want and need from Him if you just ask in confidence and faith.

What other requests “to see” can you add to those mentioned above?

Take the above reflection and turn it into a heartfelt prayer for openness to spiritual sight within your life.  Have faith that God WILL answer & save you!


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