
Showing posts from February, 2025

Gospel Reflection - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

All media (social, news outlets, magazines, etc) is flooded with differences these days. It seems that everyone is quick to spout off their opinion & harshly criticize those who oppose them. It's frustrating to pull up my Facebook feed & be flooded with angry, rude (often vulgar) views about politics, religion, education, whatever the current hot topic is. Jesus tells us in today's Gospel, “Love your enemies and do good to them…”, and also “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.” What can be tough in those situations mentioned above is how to differentiate between what is being said & the person who is saying it. Many of the views I read on Facebook come from family members & friends I’ve had for a long time, people I care for & love. While they are not my enemies in a Vietnam or World War sense, some of their comments do offend me & my values. I have three choices: I can choose to criticize right back at...

Gospel Reflection - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Today, from Luke’s Gospel, we hear a shorter version of the Beatitudes. One difference from Matthew’s version, other than the number of Beatitudes mentioned, is that Luke also expresses woe to those who do not adhere to them. As I listened to the Gospel at Mass last evening, I realized that this passage could be used to examine our consciences prior to confession or each night before bed. I then remembered that The Fathers of Mercy has a great pamphlet for adults & teens & it includes the Beatitudes as one of their suggestions. ( Fathers of Mercy Examine ) Blessed are you poor…Woe to you who are rich      How do I assist the poor?      Do I give from my surplus or what’s leftover?      Do I look someone in the eye when I help or just give & go? Blessed are you who are hungry…Woe to you who are filled      The same questions above could apply here.      Do I waste food or eat more than I should? Blesse...

Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord

Today we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Per Mosaic Law, after the required time of purification, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord.  Traditionally, this day has also been known as Candlemas, a time for celebrating Christ as the Light for the world. Candlemas can be celebrated through the blessing of candles to be used throughout the upcoming year, a candlelit procession at the beginning of the Mass, bringing candles from home to be blessed, and leaving Christmas decorations up through this day. In parts of Europe, some families feast on savory or sweet crepes, while some Mexican households enjoy tamales and hot chocolate. It is suggested that whatever meals families eat, they should be accompanied by many candles symbolizing Christ’s light in the darkness. Simeon acknowledged Christ’s Light when he met Jesus in the temple. He took the infant into his arms and expressed his blessing to God, ending with, “…for my eye...