Gospel Reflection - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Today, from Luke’s Gospel, we hear a shorter version of the Beatitudes. One difference from Matthew’s version, other than the number of Beatitudes mentioned, is that Luke also expresses woe to those who do not adhere to them.

As I listened to the Gospel at Mass last evening, I realized that this passage could be used to examine our consciences prior to confession or each night before bed. I then remembered that The Fathers of Mercy has a great pamphlet for adults & teens & it includes the Beatitudes as one of their suggestions. (Fathers of Mercy Examine)

Blessed are you poor…Woe to you who are rich
    How do I assist the poor?
    Do I give from my surplus or what’s leftover?
    Do I look someone in the eye when I help or just give & go?

Blessed are you who are hungry…Woe to you who are filled
    The same questions above could apply here.
    Do I waste food or eat more than I should?

Blessed are you who are weeping…Woe to you who laugh
    Do I show care & concern or those who are downhearted?
    Do I make fun of or gossip about others?

Blessed are you who are hated…Woe to you of whom are spoken well
    Do I try to bring peace to others instead of division?
    Do I follow the command to “Love one another, as I have loved you”?

Yes, some of these can be difficult questions for us. Stepping back occasionally to take a look at our lives can be challenging & even painful at times. We fear change. We fear how others will perceive us. We fear resentment or ridicule. We fear!

We know, however, that the opinions of others do not truly matter. What matters is that we stay focused on following the precepts of the Lord. We must always keep to the path towards Heaven & know that the first reading from Jeremiah & the Gospel give us hope & strength…

Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD.
(Jeremiah 17:7)

Behold, your reward will be great in Heaven.
(Luke 6:23)

Which of the above questions is most difficult for you?

What other questions could you add to examine your conscience?


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