Gospel Reflection - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today's Gospel is a complete mission statement from Jesus to His disciples. He is sending them to prepare the way for His arrival to the towns. We, too, are sent forth at the end of each Mass to announce the Gospel & glorify the Lord by our lives.
"...behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves."
This phrase particularly jumped out at me in this Gospel passage. There is a common idiom taken from that & used even today - "being thrown to the wolves." It means that someone inexperienced has been placed in a tough situation without protection and with a high chance of failure.
In today's Gospel, Jesus has sent His disciples out of their comfort zones to face trials, difficulties, contradiction to their belief in Him. The difference is that they are not sent alone, without protection. They have God on their side, guiding them to prepare the way for Jesus.
It's becoming more & more difficult for Christians, especially Catholics, in the world today. Our beliefs & morals are consistently under attack by those who falsely believe our Faith is outdated, antiquated. Just look at recent divisions of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade & the Pride movement. We, who know abortion to be the murder of an unborn child & the unity of man & woman to be sacred & natural, are constantly vilified. We, who express the love of Christ & follow His teachings, are deemed haters in trying to preserve the sanctity of marriage & protection of life from conception to natural death.
We are His disciples, sent out among wolves to prepare the world for His 2nd coming - the time He will return to harvest the abundance of souls bound for Heaven. Stand firm in your Faith through love. Do not carry hate in your heart for those who refuse to follow Christ's teachings. Set the example to love the sinner, but not the sin. Pray for conversions of heart, planting seeds that God can nurture from within.
Yes, this path can be extremely difficult! We face criticism & rejections constantly because of our Faith, but wouldn't you rather live by following Christ & find out you were right all along, than die without faith & find you were wrong? I know I would!
What difficulties/distractions do you face as you try to prepare for Jesus' return?
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