Saintly Saturday - St. Eusebius of Vercelli

Celebrated on August 2nd, St. Eusebius was a Roman clergy member and later became the bishop of Vercelli. During this time the Arian heresy (claiming that Jesus was not God) was in full force, even being professed by powerful people. Pope Liberius sent Eusebius to persuade the emperor to work towards dissolving the troubles between Catholics and Arians. In effect, Constantius called a council in 355, to which Eusebius reluctantly attended. At the council, Eusebius firmly defended St. Athanasius, an opponent of the Ariens who they tried to condemn. The emperor pressured the Saint to comply, but when Eusebius remained steadfast in his answer, Constantius exiled him in Palestine. He was exiled also in Asia Minor and Egypt before being released. He then returned back to Vercelli in 361. Eusebuis attended the council of Alexandria and continued to defend the Church, including his work with St. Hilary of Poitiers against the Ariens. He died on August 1, 371.

St. Eusebius of Vercelli, pray for us!


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