Gospel Reflection - 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Luke 20:27-38
Nearing the close of the liturgical year, the readings tend once more towards the “end.” But indeed, the end is only the beginning. The beginning of Eternity.
Thanks to the unbelief of the Sadducces, who rejected the teaching of the resurrection, our Lord gives us a glimpse of what life after death will be like for those who remained faithful throughout their pilgrimage on earth. In addressing the Sadducces’ question, Jesus reveals of the blessed in Heaven that they “neither marry nor are given in marriage.”
Why? Does that mean we lose our spouses? Couldn’t we preserve our marriages from this life and carry them to the next? I think Jesus gives us a good answer when He tells us that His Father “is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”
In Heaven, we will be wholly united to God, our One and All, in Whom we will find the fullness of joy, the Treasure of our soul. In Him, we will be more alive then we have ever been on earth; for our life is drawn from Him, and while we know Him now through faith, in Heaven we will see Him. The shadowy veil of this life will be uncovered and we will behold Him, our only Love. We will share in a communion with the Blessed Trinity stronger than any bond of earthly marriage.
And if we are united to God, wouldn’t we be in union with those others united to Him? There are no pieces and parts to God; we will not see one side of Him while our neighbor sees another. No. We will sing His praises, and contemplate His love together with those who walked this earth with us, and those who walked before and after us. We won’t love one person more, as a spouse, then all the rest. Rather, we will love all. For our spouse will be Christ, and in Him, we will find a love that encompasses all of His faithful, all of His blessed…our lives will be lives of love, and we will be very much alive in that love!
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