Gospel Reflection - First Sunday of Advent Year A


As we begin a new liturgical year and enter into the expectant season of Advent, we are urged to “stay awake!” These weeks preceding the joyous celebration of our Savior’s birth provide a chance for us to make the necessary preparations for such a mystery. Not, however, a preparation consisting of gift shopping, decorating, and making delectable treats in the kitchen. 

In a way, we have to avoid jumping right into all of the “Christmas cheer.” Right after Thanksgiving (or sometimes even before), it seems that Christmas is being celebrated wherever you turn. But we can’t get caught up with the festivities. We need to first remind ourselves what it is we are celebrating, why we even have a cause to celebrate in the first place. This is what we do in Advent! 

Advent is a time of quiet and interior preparation for that moment when we commemorate the coming of God made man, when the Son of God took on our lowly human nature. How humble and how remarkably glorious is our little, hidden Jesus! Hidden in a manger, in a stable, under the disguise of poverty. All for us! Indeed, we need to “stay awake.” We must keep our souls on alert, so that when He comes, He will find us worthy to receive Him. 

In a sense, we do need to go shopping. In these weeks leading up to Christmas, we shouldn’t forget to buy gifts - eternal ones! - to present to our Lord on the day of His birth. These gifts, similar to our observances in Lent, might include prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. Perhaps we can pray a simple prayer each day, begging the Blessed Mother to obtain for us the graces to receive the Infant Jesus worthily. Perhaps we could make a small sacrifice, like not buying a coffee or making lunch rather than going out; then, with that money, buy a gift for someone who otherwise might not get one.

Thus, we decorate our soul so that He might find repose in the cradle of our heart!


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