Gospel Reflection - 6th Sunday of Easter, Year A
This weekend, I would like to deviate from the normal Gospel reflection and instead, focus on the second reading. St. Peter is encouraging his followers (and us, as well) to be ready with a gentle, yet reverent and firm reason when questioned about our hope in Christ. When we live our faith, we become living witnesses to that hope in Christ.
I have often wondered how those who have no faith can face the difficulties life throws at them. I can attest that my hope in Christ is what has gotten me through many struggles. When my son was going through the diagnosis and treatment for a brain tumor, including surgery, chemo, and radiation, we relied on the prayers of family, friends, and strangers from all over the world…and we truly felt those prayers working. (Thank you, COOL parishioners!) At one of his appointments, his doctor commented that she and the neurosurgeon were amazed at how calm we were. I told her that it was our faith holding us together. We chose to have hope & faith that God would be with us every step of the way.
“For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil.” Death of our physical bodies is nothing compared to the death of our souls. Follow Christ, “...that He might lead you to God.”
How do you answer when questioned about your hope in Christ?
What is one thing you can start doing today to save your soul from death?
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