Saintly Saturday - St. Christopher Magallanes & Companions

In the midst of the political and anti-Catholic turmoil in Mexico during the early twentieth century, thousands of faithful Catholics, both religious and lay, gave their lives in opposition to the government’s oppression. Among these, we celebrate St. Christopher Magallanes and his twenty-four companion martyrs on May 21. 

Cristobal Magallanes Jara came from a devout family of farmers from Jalisco, Mexico. At the age of nineteen he entered seminary and began his priestly ministry eleven years later as a teacher. He was later appointed parish priest, serving in his hometown for over twenty years. 

In 1915, when the seminary in Guadalajara was forced closed by the government, Fr. Magallanes secretly opened one in his own home, quickly attracting seventeen seminarians. 

Despite his disapproval of the armed rebellion, Fr. Magallanes was falsely accused of having assisted the Cristeros. He was arrested on May 21, 1927. Arrested on that same day was Fr. Agustin Caloca Cortes, who had been assigned to aid Fr. Magallanes with his secret seminary. The two were able to absolve each other of their sins, and were shot without trial, four days after their arrest. Fr. Magallanes’ last words were: “I am innocent and die innocent. I absolve with all my heart those who seek my death and ask God that my blood bring peace to a divided Mexico.”

St. Christopher’s companions consist of three laymen and twenty-one priests. They were all killed between 1926-1928, save for one who died in 1915.

St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions, Pray for Us!


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