Saintly Saturday

Tomorrow is the first of October & with it comes a wonderful bouquet of saints to celebrate within the month! In the first week alone we have the following:

October 1st: St. Therese of Lisieux - The Little Flower, a Carmelite nun beloved by many

October 2nd: Feast of the Guardian Angels - A day to celebrate & be thankful for your guardian angel who watches over you

October 4th: St. Francis of Assisi - founder of the Franciscan Order & patron of the poor

October 5th: Saint Faustina - chosen by God to share the message of His Divine Mercy

There is no way I could do justice in summarizing their lives. If you are unfamiliar with them, I encourage you to explore the wealth of information online & in the many books & videos about them.

In addition to all the saints this month, the whole month is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This would be a great time to begin praying the rosary daily of you don't already! 

May God bless you abundantly!


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