"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be." (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen)
Wisdom Wednesday
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"The Mass is the greatest drama in the world, because in a way more real than any play or movie, it makes the story of our salvation come alive in front of us."
Genesis 2:18-24 & Mark 10:2-16 Both the first reading and the Gospel speak to the sanctity of the bonds of marriage and family. In the first reading, we hear about God creating Eve to be a suitable partner for Adam. The two become one flesh, man and woman joined together to not only keep one another company, but to procreate and tend to the land. In the Gospel, once again those Pharisees are trying to trip up Jesus. His reply is an admonishment to their hardened hearts, reaffirming that marriage is for one man and one woman and that no human can separate what God has joined. Unfortunately, we have become a throwaway society. We overbuy food that ends up spoiled and tossed. Clothing and furniture tears or breaks and rather than repairing them, we throw them out. We get rid of things in good condition when the newest model is released (game systems, cell phone). The same applies even to marriages and friendships. I have...
On May 17, 2024, four pilgrimage routes began in Mississippi, Connecticut, Wisconsin, & California. The purpose was to cross our nation, presenting Jesus to the people of America, & meeting in Indianapolis for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress July 17. Along the way, with Jesus present in the monstrance, the perpetual pilgrims made stops at parishes, schools, & prisons. You can read more about the pilgrimage HERE . About 60,000 people gathered at The National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, July 17-21, to adore our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, attend Mass daily, pray together, & listen to great speakers. Fr. Mike Schmitz, Monsignor James Shea, Bishop Robert Barron, Jonathan Roumie, Sr. Bethany Madonna, Chris Stefanik, & more shared their great love of our Lord & how much of an impact the Eucharist has had in their lives. Unfortunately , I couldn't make it to Indiana, but I was able to watch many of the speakers live & on YouTube....
Well, here we are already...the 4th Sunday of Advent has arrived! Have you finished your Christmas shopping & wrapped all the presents, baked your holiday delectables, mailed your Christmas greeting cards, decorated your home to rival any display of Martha Stewart's? If you're like most people, you probably answered that you're nowhere near being finished. But you know what? That's perfectly fine because none of those items are important in the grand scheme of things. The bigger & most important question to be answered is, "Have you prepared your heart to receive Jesus on Christmas Day?" After all, without Jesus' humble birth in a stable over 2000 years ago, none of the other things above would have any significant meaning! Today's Gospel tells us that Mary, upon being told that she would bring our Savior into the world, set off in haste to her cousin, Elizabeth. Advanced in age, Elizabeth was experiencing a miraculous pregnancy, foretold by...
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