Gospel Reflection - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
The Church stands as a gate to the wedding feast (eternal life), open to the whole world. Belonging to the Body of Christ, it is our duty to pass out the wedding invitation, as it were, to those who have not yet arrived at the gate. Some will refuse the invitation; some will ignore it. Others will ridicule and persecute it.
It is also our job to prepare ourselves for the wedding feast. In this life, we must dress ourselves in the proper wedding garment. We do this by clothing ourselves in holiness. There are two sides to this coin: when we dress ourselves in holiness, we dress the Church in holiness, because as members of the Body of Christ, we are all one!
It is possible to arrive at the wedding feast without properly dressing ourselves. But Jesus reminds us in His parable that now is the time to clothe ourselves in the wedding garment, not later. Holiness is found in the present moment, it is our invitation to the wedding feast.
“He guides me in right paths,” sings the Psalmist. Where is Our Lord guiding you today?
How can you practice holiness right now in this present moment?
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