Gospel Reflection - 1st Sunday of Lent, Year C
I’ve heard it said that the closer you are to God, the harder the devil will work his temptations on you. Can't get much closer to God than Jesus was in the desert! I was recently talking to a friend who experienced an amazing, deeply spiritual pilgrimage last year. Since then, she's felt extreme pressure daily from the evil one’s attempts to distract her. She could pinpoint the exact tricks he used to keep her from getting to Mass just that morning.
The devil sure is persistent, isn’t he? Look at his attacks on Jesus in the Gospel. Four times he tried to tempt Jesus in the desert and four times Jesus resisted, using Old Testament Scripture to thwart each attempt.
Oh, that we could all have the strength of Jesus to resist the devil & all his lies! But we do! We don't have to have a Bible verse each time we're attacked, although it definitely wouldn't hurt to put a few to memory. All we need to say is, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce you evil one!” Any time we feel the weight of the devil’s persistent temptations, we can utter those words. It reminds us & the devil that Jesus is in control of our lives. Nothing can keep us from our Lord & Savior. Sure, we may fall at times, but a truly repentant heart can receive absolution & greater strength through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Where have you felt the devil’s persistent temptations in your life? Memorize the short prayer above so you're ready to renounce him the next time he tries to tempt you.
Have you been to Reconciliation lately? This Lenten season is the perfect time to clear your conscience & receive God's forgiveness.
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