Gospel Reflection - 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time


“You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye.”

I once heard that the faults, traits, or behaviors that irritate us most in others are often those we are most guilty of ourselves. After learning that, I began to take notice of some pet peeves I had about the people around me. Lo & behold, I was just as culpable! OUCH! I was (and still am at times) that hypocrite Jesus is calling out in today’s Gospel.

Perhaps calling out those faults in others is a way to make us feel better about ourselves. Maybe it’s an attempt to mask our own faults in hopes that others will not see them in us. But…if we can see them in those around us, I’m pretty sure others can see them in us as well. And remember, absolutely nothing is hidden from God! 

Ash Wednesday is coming up in just a few days, beginning our great penitential season of Lent. This would be the perfect time to reflect on our faults and ask God for guidance, wisdom, and strength to repair them. Let’s take the beams out of our eyes. Once we do, we can be the tree that bears good fruit and help others remove the splinters in their own eyes. If you’re struggling to do this on your own, the Sacrament of Reconciliation would be an ideal place to start!

What beams are clouding your vision?

What fruits will your tree bear?


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