Saintly Saturday - Sts. Perpetua & Felicity


The majority of early Martyrs that the Church venerates as Saints have been left with little to no personal information other than the knowledge of their heroic death for love of Christ. However, we do have some insight on the lives of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, who were martyred in Africa during the third century and whose feast we celebrate on March 7th. Much of this comes from those who had known the two Saints, as well as from the writings of Perpetua.

The two women were both mothers (Felicity having given birth to her daughter just a few days before her death), who had embraced Christianity during a time of persecution in Africa under the Roman Emperor Severus. The Saints had been arrested and placed in an overcrowded prison. They were eventually moved to a more tolerable part of the prison after the guards had been persuaded by two deacons who had been ministering to the Saints. Perpetua and Felicity showed great patience and endurance amidst the numerous insults and abuses they received in prison. We have accounts especially of Perpetua’s perseverance against attempts to make her renounce her faith. She also stood by her fellow Christians who were to die with her, continually offering them encouragement while modeling strength and steadfast faith.

When the time for their persecution came, the women were stripped and taken to face a rabid heifer. After this, they were clothed again and thrown back into the arena, this time against gladiators. Sts. Perpetua and Felicity had adopted the name of Christian and bravely gave up their lives for the honor of the One Who had given it to them. From her diary, Perpetua leaves us with an example of this: 

“While we were still under arrest (she said) my father out of love for me was trying to persuade me and shake my resolution. 'Father,' said I, 'do you see this vase here, for example, or water pot or whatever?' 'Yes, I do', said he. And I told him: 'Could it be called by any other name than what it is?' And he said: 'No.' 'Well, so too I cannot be called anything other than what I am, a Christian.'”

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, Pray for us!


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