Third Sunday of Lent Year C - Gospel Reflection

Luke 13:1-9

I don’t like figs!  So, I think it’s ironic that I am just like that fig tree in today’s Gospel.

Jesus’ parable of the fig tree is representative of our own failures and need for repentance.  Time after time, year after year, like that fig tree, I fail to produce the fruits (gifts) God has given to me.  I take those gifts and often store them away, too distracted by worldly things to spend time on them or just hiding them because I’m insecure and don’t think anyone really cares to see them. 

In my failure to cultivate my gifts, I risk offending God.  Yet, when I do cultivate them, I am sharing God with others, whether through my gift of music, writing, or a joyful presence.  I know that nothing I do is because of me.  God is present in all I do, speaking through me when I allow Him in and remain open to His gifts to me.  Those times I fail are not the end – the time to cut down the fig tree.  God is always there offering me a 2nd chance, a 3rd chance, even a 10th chance!  As I return to Him through my repentance and frequent confession, He strengthens me, guiding me to bear the fruits He’s given to me.


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