Second Sunday of Lent Year C (The Transfiguration of Our Lord) - Gospel Reflection

Luke 9:28b-36 

A few months ago, during Mass, I caught a glimpse of Jesus’ Light and true Divine Presence.   As the priest elevated the Host and chalice, the Host was illuminated.  The glow of the Host touched me to my core, giving me a small taste of His full Glory.  Deep down & scientifically, I know it was only the altar lights reflecting off the chalice, but to me it was much more – a message from above.  Just as Jesus’ disciples witnessed His Transfiguration on the mountain, I witnessed His Transfiguration at the Eucharistic table.  God allowed me a glimpse of Jesus’ Divinity, a reflection of His Love for me and each of us.

Jesus was (and is) truly present at each Mass celebration when the priest speaks the words of the Consecration.  It took many years for me to fully comprehend that.  For some reason, whether it was something lacking in my early education, my eight-year-old mind misunderstanding Church teaching, or something else, I grew up believing the bread and wine was only a symbol of Christ’s Body and Blood.  It wasn’t until much later, into adulthood, through much study and prayer, that I began to believe in His True Presence.  The reflection on the Host that Sunday a few months ago further solidified my belief.

While I didn’t hear it at the time, I believe now that God was speaking directly to me, saying, “This is My chosen Son; listen to Him.”


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