Saintly Saturday - Saint Athanasius
Welcome to Saintly Saturday...on a Monday! It's been a busy couple of weeks & we've gotten a bit behind, but hopefully we're getting back on track now!
Today, May 2, we celebrate the feast day of St. Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church. What does it mean to be a Doctor of the Church? It is an honor placed on many saints in the Catholic Church who have been prominent writers & speakers in their time. Those writings & preachings have stood the test of time & can stand strong in any age. Many are still available & as prevalent today as they were during the times they were written.
It is believed that St. Athanasius was born around 296 or 298 in Alexandria, Egypt. He died on May 2, 373, also in Alexandria. He was raised in a Christian family & received a classical education in Christian doctrine, Greek Literature, philosophy, & rhetoric. St. Athanasius was known by several titles..."Father of Orthodoxy," "Pillar of the Church," & "Champion of Christ's Divinity"... just to name a few.
Under the influence of Bishop Alexander of Alexandria, he was a champion of the Faith, preaching against the heresy of Arianism. (Arianism teaches that Jesus was not divine & this teaching was declared a heresy - false belief- by the Catholic Church a few years after St. Athanasius' death.) He became bishop after Alexander's death. He was exiled to northern Gaul by Emperor Constantine because of his continued preaching against Arianism. Throughout his life, he was exiled five times & spent a total of 17 years in exile.
St. Athanasius was a prominent writer of dogmatic & historical texts, most against Arianism & written during his periods of exile when he kept in contact with his followers. He is known as the patron saint of theologians, as well as faithful Orthodox & Roman Catholic Christians.
In closing, I'd like to share a few quotes of St. Athanasius.
"Christians, instead of arming themselves with swords, extend their hands in prayer."
"You cannot put straight in other what is warped in yourself."
"Similarly, anyone who wishes to understand the mind of the sacred writers must first cleanse his own life, and approach the saints by copying their deeds."
St. Athanasius, Pray for Us!
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