Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C - Gospel Reflection
John 14:23-29
“Not as the world gives do I give it to you.”
The Last Supper was an occasion of many gifts, which Jesus freely gave, and would continue to give through His Death and Resurrection. John shares some of these gifts with us, which were not meant for the Apostles exclusively, but for all those striving to know and love the Lord. Jesus’ words today are full of gifts, too numerous to count! He begins with love, that precious gem He treasures.
Extending from this, He lifts that mysterious veil, ever so slightly, that we might glimpse the dazzling light of the Blessed Trinity. From the Trinity, He shares with us His peace, generously handing it to us without restriction. Jesus finishes by reminding the disciples that He would be going to the Father, but with the gifts He bestowed, He would continue to provide for them in abundance and share with them the great rejoicing in His glory. This reassurance applies to us today, after Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. Though we did not know Him while He walked this earth, Jesus still offers us peace through these words and His gifts do not expire.
Furthermore, while we cannot see Him with our bodily eyes, our Lord comes to us in a unique and mysterious way each time we receive the Holy Eucharist, which we know to truly be His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Of the infinite gifts Christ bestows upon us, none are so marvelous as that intimate communion we share with Him when He enters into our soul through the reception of the Most Blessed Sacrament!
How does it make you feel to know that Christ has bestowed the beautiful gift of Himself to us through the Most Blessed Sacrament? Offer a prayer of thanksgiving to Him now, & each time you receive Him at Mass.
If you do not believe Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, seek guidance from a trusted priest, friend, or through prayer directly to Jesus. Find a way to understand this great mystery & appreciate this great gift of our Faith.
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