Saintly Saturday - St. John I
This week we are featuring St. John I, pope & martyr. He was born around the year 470 in Italy. He became pope after the death of Pope Hormisdas in 523 & reigned for only three years.
Italian ruler Theodoric the Goth followed Arian beliefs, a heresy which denied Christ's divinity. However, he did tolerate Catholics early in his reign. About the time of John I succession to the papal throne, Theodoric's policies began to change. One reason for this was the Emperor Justin I (a supporter of Catholicism) issued an edict against heretics. John I was named as head of negotiations by Theodoric instead of waging a war against Justin I.
John I was successful in the mitigation of how Arians were treated & avoided reprisals against Italian Catholics. He also reconciled the Easter & Western churches which had been divided in their beliefs since 482. Theodoric was still suspicious & concluded that John I & Justin I plotted against him. He had John I imprisoned in Ravenna, their capital city, where he died not much later on May 18, 526, due to the poor treatment he received. Thus, he is honored as a martyr for our Faith.
We celebrate his feast day on May 18.
St. John I, Pray for Us!
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