Gospel Reflection - 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C

Luke 12:32-48

"For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." (Luke 12:34)

Our hearts are set where we store our treasures -- not just finances & possessions, but also our time. How much of your day is spent building your Heavenly treasure? If you're anything like me, the answer can be quite sobering.

As I break down my days, I see I get off to a good start. I grab my morning coffee & settle myself into my recliner for some quiet time with God & some spiritual reading. Once finished, I jump right into my day & unfortunately, do not always stay in touch with that spiritual side. Duties to work & family, as well as distractions (social media, anyone?) manage to take precedence. Thoughts of Heavenly pursuits get pushed to the back of my mind, popping to the forefront sporadically. Not much lasting treasure being built up, is there?

"Pray without ceasing," St. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  There are numerous ways to do so throughout your day. Pray upon waking & before falling asleep. Say grace at all meals. Make good use of your electronic devices & set an alarm for every waking hour. When it goes off, refocus where your mind is & recite a favorite prayer. No time for a full rosary? Pray a decade. Big decision to make? Ask God for guidance. 

These ideas are a start to "Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in Heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy." (Luke 12:33)

It's not how much money or possessions you have. Focus on your spiritual 401K!

How much of your day is spent on Heavenly pursuits?

Compare your retirement savings with your spiritual savings. Which one needs more attention?


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