Saintly Saturday - St. Louis of Toulouse


St. Louis of Toulouse was born in 1274, to Charles II of Naples and Mary of Hungary, having relations to both St. Louis IX and Elizabeth of Hungary. At fourteen, Louis and his brothers were taken hostage on account of political dealing, and were brought to the court of the king of Aragon. Having already shown a draw to prayer and charity, Louis progressed in the court under the direction and tutorship of the Franciscan friars. Louis was able to leave the court when he was twenty. Renouncing his title, he decided to become a priest and was ordained the following year. It did not take long for him to become bishop of Toulouse and was given permission to become a Franciscan himself. Louis was quickly considered a saint through his work in Toulouse. He gave much of his income to the poor and to the maintenance of the churches; he appointed a friar to give him correction and continued to wear the Franciscan habit; he fed the poor at his own table and even begged himself at times. 

Louis died at the young age of 23 and was canonized in 1317. His feast is celebrated on August 19th.


St. Louis of Toulouse, pray for us!


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