Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Happy Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary! This is the day in which the Catholic Church celebrates Mary being received into Heaven, Body & Soul. Usually, this is a Holy Day of Obligation, however, that is lifted in the United States for most Holy Days when they fall on a Saturday or Monday. That does not make this day any less important, though!
Why do we believe Mary's Body & Soul entered Heaven as opposed to the death & burial of Her Body? Death is a consequence of sin. Mary was the Immaculate Conception, born without the stain of Original Sin. God kept Her Immaculate throughout Her life to become the Mother of His Son, Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Because She was pure & undefiled, there was no need for bodily death. Therefore, She was assumed, Body & Soul, into Heaven.
I love the image above! Most of the ones you see for this day only show Mary being assumed into Heaven, sometimes accompanied by angels. In this one, you see Jesus welcoming Her into Heaven. You can also see the love & adoration on Her face for Her Son. May we ask for Her intercession to help us in our daily lives to follow Her Son through the example She has set for us!
Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven, Pray for Us!
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