Gospel Reflection - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Matthew 5:17-37

            We have two options for the Gospel today.  Matthew 5:17-37, or the shortened version, which consists of parts from Matthew 5:20-37.  In both, our Lord establishes a higher standard, so to speak, for those who wish to follow Him.  

Oftentimes these days, we are criticized, or we criticize others for going to the extreme.  Indeed, it is not uncommon to be tempted into overdramatizing even the most ordinary of our daily lives, or things that simply don’t deserve the degree of attention that we give to them.  In these instances, we make out the ordinary to be extraordinary; we embellish and exaggerate those things which are more beautiful when left to their natural modesty.  However, there are times when extreme is the only option. When we can firmly declare, “all or nothing.”

Probably the greatest “all or nothing” that will ever exist is our response to God.  Call to mind the fundamental truths that, as Catholics, we profess to believe: we were created in God’s image and likeness; Christ died for our sins, and in doing so, infinitely proved His love for us; we are all called to share in the blessed life of the Most Holy Trinity, through the sacraments and a life of faith here on Earth, and later through union with God in Heaven.  Obviously, these truths can be explored much deeper, and I encourage you to do so, for through such exploration, we are faced with that “all or nothing.”  How can we not respond with an equal love?   

God has given us everything in giving us His only Son.  We can respond by giving everything in return…or nothing.

How can we center our lives around the Heavenly Father, Who centers His life around us?

What ordinary things in your life do you tend to exaggerate? How can you simplify them to their natural beauty?


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