Saintly Saturday - Blessed Vicente Vilar David
Blessed Vicente Vilar David was the youngest of eight children born June 28, 1889 in Valencia, Spain to devote Catholic parents. As owner of a ceramics factory, he conducted his business with charity, compassion, & example that his strong faith could extend beyond family & church. He treated his employees as friends & offered assistance when they needed any. His wife of 33 years, Isabella Rhodes Reig shared his faith & ideals. Together they performed works of charity & took part in parish activities.
Bl. Vicente was bold, outspoken in his views against the Spanish Civil War of 1936. Despite many threats & warnings, he continued to offer protection to many priests & religious being persecuted. Upon his arrest, he was given an opportunity to deny his religious beliefs to save his life. However, he stood firm in his faith, even to the point of forgiving his persecutors before they shot him. He died February 14, 1937.
A testament to his leadership over his employees, they closed the factory for three days of mourning upon his death, despite pressure from the government to keep it open. They told government officials, “You have robbed us of our employer and our father. Because he was prudent, kind, and concerned for our working conditions, we not only respected him; we loved him.” He was beautified by Pope John Paul II.
Blessed Vicente Vilar David, Pray for Us!
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