Gospel Reflection - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A


            Sometimes you have to search a little bit to find the connection in the readings.  But not today.  From the first two readings we hear “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy,” and “The Spirit of God dwells in you…the temple of God, which you are, is holy.”  And in the Gospel, we are told “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

            We are reminded of that universal call which draws us sanctity.  God created us uniquely, apart from the rest of creation, in His own image.  This isn’t to say that we do or can possess God’s divinity.  Rather, in His infinite goodness, God allows us to share in His blessed life in heaven, while on earth we must strive to prove ourselves worthy of such a gift.  The lowliness of our sinful nature makes this seem impossible, but God, giving Himself to us as a Father, looks past our outward failings and probes the depths of our hearts.  

            Already, the Spirit of God dwells within us; quietly in every moment of our life, loving within us.  If He were to leave us alone for but a moment, we would cease to exist, as we draw our very life from Him.  It is enough to offer throughout the day quiet looks of love in return, so to begin our path to sanctity.  To become holy as God is holy, we must first know Him and know His holiness.

How can you find quiet moments throughout the day to call to mind God’s presence within you?

Reflect on God’s great love, especially in your own life. How can you love Him in return?


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