Gospel Reflection - Corpus Christi (The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ)
On this Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), we celebrate the most precious Gift Our Lord Jesus gave to us…Himself. We hear in the Gospel the preparations for Christ & His disciples to celebrate their Passover meal, The Last Supper. On this evening, He instituted the source & summit of our Faith…Holy Communion.
The word “communion” comes from the Latin word, “communio”, which stands for mutual participation, sharing, or fellowship. Each Mass we partake in is a remembrance of Christ’s Passion, Death, & Resurrection, His Holy Sacrifice for us. In place of an offering of animals at the altar, as in Biblical times, He is the Sacrificial Lamb & we bring our full (or fool, as is often the case) selves to be fed & healed by His Body & Blood.
We are currently in the midst of a National Eucharistic Revival. There is so much division, anger, fear, & distrust in the world today. Sadly, many do not believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist & they do not turn to Him in times of trial or tribulation. Throughout this revival, Catholics are encouraged to grow deeper in their love of & friendship with Jesus & to share that love with others (“communio”).
How can we do this? Try to get to Mass more than just the obligatory weekend Mass. Friendships cannot grow in just one hour a week, especially a friendship with Christ! Parishes have varying Mass times to accommodate work/school schedules, so check around. We try to go daily as often as possible. It truly is a beautiful experience! The word “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving”. What better way to thank Jesus than to spend time in Adoration! Many churches offer special days and times for Eucharistic Adoration, some in the sanctuary itself, while others are in a private Adoration chapel.
As part of a three year initiative to renew the power of Christ in the Eucharist (National Eucharistic Revival), there is currently a National Eucharistic Procession taking place across the country. This pilgrimage began May 17th in four states (California, Minnesota, Texas, & Connecticut), all with the same destination...the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis beginning July 17th. What a beautiful way to share the Eucharist and make Christ visible to our country!
How would you describe your relationship with Christ in the Eucharist?
What are other ways you can grow deeper in love with Christ?
How can you share your Eucharistic experiences with others?
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