Reflection on Lent 2024 (Part One)
Oh, how easy it is to slip back into nonproductive, mindless habits!
I gave up the following for Lent this year:
Facebook (peeking in only a couple times on Sundays)
watching movies/shows that were not faith-based (except for Studio Ghibli movies for special family time evenings)
listening to any music except for religious or classical
playing games on my phone
Because I had more time, especially in my evenings, I fully immersed myself in a series our Bible Study group was working through, Dr. Edward Sri’s program, No Greater Love: a Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion from Ascension Press. We gathered weekly to watch a video, which was filmed in the Holy Land & led by Dr. Sri as he presented Christ’s journey from the Garden of Gethsemane to Mt. Calvary. Afterwards, we shared any insights we gained from what we’d watched & from our personal reading of the text. I was learning so much through this study that my whole Lenten journey was taken to another level. The readings at Mass were more meaningful. I gazed upon the crucifix above the altar more often, reflecting on the great sacrifice Jesus made for me.
Also, during Lent, I attended a presentation on the Passion. Referring to the Holy Shroud of Turin & many years of research, we were led through the horrible scourging, carrying of the cross, & Christ’s crucifixion. This was supplemented with three songs, sung by the presenter’s brother. While I knew a good amount of what was shared, the whole evening & how it was presented further deepened my Lenten experience.
These two experiences gave me a greater understanding of Christ’s Passion & I was able to more fully embrace the Mass experience, especially Palm Sunday & Holy Thursday. On Palm Sunday, I could visualize Christ’s movements throughout the Passion reading. From His sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane to His final breath on the cross, I saw myself standing with Him. And when He said, “I thirst,” I knew that thirst was not for water, but for me.
At Communion on Holy Thursday, for the first time in a long while, the Eucharist was offered under both species, the bread & the wine. Once I returned to my pew & knelt in prayer, I was brought to tears, overcome with much love for Christ & His great Sacrifice for me.
I love the Easter Vigil. The church starts in darkness until the baptismal candle is lit outside & carried into the sanctuary. The light is then passed throughout the congregation, as handheld candles are lit. The bells ring during the Gloria, when all the lights in the church are finally turned on completely. There are multiple readings & Psalms taking us through salvation history. New members are welcomed into the Church, receiving the sacraments for the first time. We changed parishes a few months ago & I haven't joined any liturgical ministries yet. So, experiencing the Mass in the pews was a beautiful experience for me this year.
(to be continued)
- Maria
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