Gospel Reflections - 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mark 3:20-35

The scribes in the Gospel are astonished by Jesus’ teachings & exorcisms.  They think He is out of His mind or a demon driving out other demons.  Attempting to make them understand, He explains that Satan cannot drive out Satan, divided kingdoms cannot stand, & a house divided against itself will fall.  I have two structures to ponder in this reflection…the family and the Church.

First, a house not built on a firm foundation will not stand (as we read in Matthew 7, the parable of one house built on sand and another on stone).  This can apply to the family structure.  Parents have a duty to educate their children in the Faith.  Sadly, there are many parents who don’t want to inflict or force their religious beliefs on their children and opt to let them choose their own path when they’re grown.  This is a false and dangerous logic.  When trials and struggles arise in their lives, they won’t have a firm foundation in the Faith to fall back on and help them through whatever life may throw at them.  They will also be more likely to follow people and secular ideals that lead even further from God because they don't have a firm grasp of the graces bestowed through active participation in the sacraments 

Secondly, secular society is quick to judge and ridicule the Catholic Church as a failing, dying structure.  Many wonder how the Church can be so divided in many ways.  Yes, there are differences within our churches, most of which still fall within the Catholic doctrine and teachings.  Despite the differences, there remains a firm foundation built on the teachings of Christ.  We, the only church that can trace Her roots back to Christ, have stood for over 2000 years and will continue to stand for all eternity.  There is no firm foundation in Satan, the father of lies and division!

Where do you turn when trials arise in your life?  Do you immediately run to prayer or do you seek out other fleeting sources for comfort?

If you are a parent, how have you set a faith-filled example for your children?

How did your parents share and encourage you in your faith journey?


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